To keep up with the amount of IOPS a possible solution to consider is the use of SSDs, but the additional storage costs would not make sense from a TCO perspective.

In a similar fashion to PSTs it is possible to accommodate OSTs in Persistent Disks, however the same constraints and issues apply. Additionally, every first use of Microsoft Outlook with Cached Mode enabled will force Outlook to sync server contents, causing a huge burst in network traffic and disk throughput and IOPS.
OST files are offline copies of server content that are locally indexed and synced with the server creating a high demand for disk traffic and IOPS. These cache files must be local and Microsoft does not support them in network shares. The second problem to be solved are the OST files that are created when using Microsoft Outlook in Cached Mode. In this way desktops could be part of floating pools and the users would have their independence from a single desktop that contains their PST. The Persistent Disk could be eventually located in a cheaper storage tier such as a NAS or SATA disks.Īnyway, seems like a good idea not to let users create PST on local disks, therefore increasing storage allocation for the Exchange Servers. However, letting users create PST files they would be consuming the same amount of storage space from a same or different storage array. Let’s not forget that the main idea behind the creation of PST is due to the existence of the mailbox limit size imposed by administrators to save storage space on Exchange Servers. Of course there are way to solve that, like executing a automatic logoff or using a agent that support open files. The backup would have to be disk based and not agent based, since the user may leave Microsoft Outlook open inside the virtual machine. If users are allowed to create PSTs in Persistent Disks, in a Persistent Desktop it’s then indispensable to carry out backups of these PSTs. Well, a possible solution for that would be PST files in a Persistent Disk (UDD). What about if the desktop needs to be recomposed? The reason for that is that the existence of PSTs in a given virtual desktop will tie that virtual desktop to a user, which is fine in the case of persistent desktops. The practice recommends that PSTs be avoided in VDI, whenever possible. The central point of the question was about Microsoft Outlook configuration for VDI environments. The topic demonstrates clearly the level of attention and detail that a good VDI design should have. However, couple weeks ago an interesting discussion in one of VMware’s internal forums sparkled my attention.

VDI is a multitude of technologies that must work together in a premeditated way and this we already know.